We understand how important efficiency is. With our Contact / Customer feature you will be able to save, view, and experience detailed results faster! Keep on top of potential deals,
by setting events, leaving detailed notes, checking locations, sending email blasts and more with only a few clicks... Yes that easy!
With our Email blast capability, you can send as many emails at once as you need. Be able to send catalogs, invoices, or anything you need!
See the status of different customers / contacts. If highlighted yellow it means that their is an ongoing event. If highlighted red it means it's overdue.
With our GPS Feature you can harness the power of Google Maps API to plan your customer contacts, set target marketing and coordinate sales opportunities geopgraphically. All this is built into the ActiveApplications/Google Maps API intergration.
** One time Startup Fee is $4,999. Includes User Setup, importing your Customers/Items/Vendors/Chart of Accounts. Yes, we can import other data as needed. Call us today for a quote!